Our Commitment
We’re committed to building a better future by creating sustainable and ethical food products and practices that help protect our people and our planet.

Reducing carbon emissions is a key area of focus as we seek to minimise our impact on the environment. We’ve invested heavily in renewable energy by installing a total of 2,193 solar panels across all our owned sites with a further two systems due to be operational in early 2024. Once both installations are complete, total green power generated across our sites will be 1.9MW.
To transition to a lower-carbon contributor, we are committed to continuing to increase our use of renewable energy, constantly review our supply chain for improved efficiencies, and investigate new technologies to help reduce emissions.
Having good quality packaging is vital to the integrity and safety of our products, however, we understand the potential impact on the environment and are committed to finding more sustainable solutions.
We are a member of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation, also known as APCO. Within APCO, we aim to consistently to achieve a minimum ‘Leading’ rating against all criteria. We’re reducing landfill waste wherever possible by using packaging made from recycled materials and commit to preferencing packaging that is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable. We are also rolling out the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) program across our product range to help educate consumers on ways to be more environmentally friendly.

Responsible Sourcing
Quality, ethical practices, and sustainability are amongst the most important criteria to our businesses when selecting our supply partners for our products.
We are committed to working with partners who share our vision for a better future. We collaborate with suppliers to regularly and transparently assess areas of environmental impact with a view to improving business practices. We will continue to preference suppliers who share our values and principles with respect to setting and achieving sustainability targets.
As a family-owned business, people are at the heart of everything that we do, and we are committed to ensuring labour and human rights are respected throughout our supply chain. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any human rights abuses, and we make sure our processes are rigorously upheld by our supply partners.